Speaking Tips

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Interrupting the Interruptions


“What is the best way to handle interruptions?” That’s a question our workshop participants often ask.

At SpeechSkills, we encourage people to first check in with the nonverbal signals they’re sending while in speaker mode. If your body language lacks energy or doesn’t fully convey that you are in command of the conversation, people are a lot more likely to interrupt you. Make sure to keep your energy up, your posture strong, and your eye contact connected (even when you’re pausing to gather your next thought). These nonverbal signals will help convey a clear message that you still have more to say and are not inviting others to jump in.

This article from the Harvard Business Review has some thoughts on the topic too. Not only does author Francesca Gino explore the reasons why interruptions are so common, she also offers these three ways to handle the issue:

  • Preview what you plan to cover and make it clear at what point you’ll be inviting feedback or questions
  • Address communication norms with your whole group to set ground rules
  • Talk with the interrupter privately if it’s a consistent problem

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